Managing Stress

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Stress, we all have it.

But it’s imperative to manage your stress in healthy ways. By holding on to stress or reacting in a negative way to life’s stressors, you can harm yourself for years to come. Chronic stress has the ability to impact your body in a negative way. And, too much stress can cause chronic health conditions or make an existing condition worse. If you feel like the stress in your life is becoming harmful, try the following self-guided relaxation tips:

  • Practice deep breathing to a count of five, in and out. By taking deeper breathes, your taking in more oxygen and curbing any anxiety or tension created by short, choppy breathes.
  • Try progressive muscle relaxation in which you target a specific muscle, tighten it and then relax completely. The process allows you to notice what that tension feels like, so when you become tense because of stress, you’re able to notice it quicker and relax.
  • Go for a walk. And, during this time, focus on relaxing. Be mindful in that moment and pay attention to how your body feels before and after the exercise.

I’m Erica Freeman with the Church Health Center.
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