Get F.I.T.T.

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You have been working out consistently, but you are not seeing the results you want.

The F.I.T.T. principle will help you identify where you may need to make changes to your exercise routine. F.I.T.T. stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type. If you want to see better results, you may want to increase the frequency of your activity by adding a weekend day or early morning.

If you exercise every day without rest, you may need some time off for your body to recover and rebuild.
If you have been exercising regularly, you may need to throw some fuel on the fire. Increasing intensity challenges your body to work harder and burn more calories. Try using the incline on the treadmill or find a workout buddy that will challenge you. A good way to see what level you are working at is the talk test. An activity is at the moderate level if you can talk, but not sing. You know you are challenging yourself by doing vigorous activity if you cannot say more than a few words without taking a breath.

You may also add time to your workout or change the type of your activity to create more stress on the body. Start slowly with introducing new changes to your exercise in order to avoid injury. Of course, be mindful of you eating habits. If take in as many calories as you burn, you will not see the number on the scale move at all.

This is Sheila Harrell with the Church Health Center.

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