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Origins | PBS

Origins | PBS

Origin of Everything is a show about the undertold histories and cultural dialogues that make up our collective story. From the food we eat, to the trivia and fun facts we can’t seem to get out of our heads, to the social issues we can’t stop debating, everything around us has a history. Origin of Everything is here to explore it all. We like to think that no topic is too small or too challenging to get started.

Episodes are posted here, at wknofm.org, on Mondays.

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  • When did we start defining sexual orientation and how did that result in "straight" becoming a synonym for "heterosexual"? Today Danielle follows the winding history of the word through medical terms, lavender linguistics, and community slang.
  • Everybody, rock your body and get ready to scream! Today Origin is looking at all things boy band! Danielle traces the history of boy ensembles from early Beatlemania to today, examines the markers of a classic boy band, and explains the science behind this particular type of fandom. Oh my my my!
  • What's the difference between race and ethnicity? Can a person have more than one ethnic identity? Today Danielle explores the history and evolution of different ethnicities that make up America.
  • The laugh track, otherwise known as the cringiest sound in modern television. Where did it come from and why do so many of our favorite sitcoms still use it?
  • We understand why we have first names and how our surnames tie us to our family heritage, but what's the deal with middle names? What's the purpose of a middle name and when did different cultures start using them?
  • What really crashed down to Earth in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947? Can we trust the government when they say it was just a weather balloon? Today Danielle looks at the history of alien conspiracies and what they teach us about the legacy of modern warfare, globalization, distrust of the government, and paranoia about foreign invaders.
  • What is culture? Can it even be appropriated? Is there a difference between appreciation and appropriation? Join Danielle in the theoretical minefield!
  • Why does the government care about race? If we're all more than our race, why is the federal government keeping track of it? Today we dive into the history of the US census - from its dark history of voter disenfrachisement to the present day where that same information is used to fight gerrymandering.
  • Hijabs, yarmulkes, habits, and dastars — why do so many religions have rules about hair? The practice of covering hair is common across many faiths, so today we're talking about various types of head coverings, their significance, and their use throughout history.
  • When did makeup ads become less about beauty and more about science? And is that science even legitimate? Or is it just another ploy by the $445 billion cosmetics industry to get you to buy more products? This week Danielle digs into the history of makeup advertising to find out.
  • When did tattoos shift from counterculture to mainstream? Are they okay? At what point is your tattoo considered cultural appropriation? Explore these questions and more as Danielle dives into the origin of tattoos around the world.
  • The Minimum Wage is a wildly important and contentious aspect of modern economic life. But whether you believe it needs to go up or be eliminated altogether there’s an important question to ask, why does it exist at all?