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WKNO is a proud partner of noncommusicalliance whose mission is to highlight public radio’s role in connecting musicians, performers, and artists with audiences like you who enjoy and support their music during Public Radio Music Day.

Public Radio Music Day is a nationwide celebration uniting public radio stations, music fans, artists, and other music industry members to recognize and spread the word about noncommercial stations' unique role in the music world locally and nationally.

The fifth annual Public Radio Music Day will be commemorated on October 23, 2024. This year, we are pleased to showcase how public radio music bridges divides across the country and uniquely supports access to music in rural communities. This year’s theme – Bringing People Together: From Coast to Coast – not only builds on the momentum of spreading awareness of your impact on American audiences nationwide, but it also provides stations with the opportunity to highlight how music brings communities together through music discovery, music education, and support for local arts economies.