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Alexander Hersh on Upcoming Memphis Chamber Music Society Concerts

Kacky Walton speaks with award-winning cellist Alexander Hersh, who has quickly established himself as one of the most exciting and creative talents of his generation.

He joins frequent collaborator, pianist Victor Santiago Asuncion, and IRIS Collective violinist Marcin Arendt to perform Beethoven’s grand Archduke Trio, and Tchaikovsky’s monumental piano trio in A minor as part of the Memphis Chamber Music Society concert season.

I owe my radio career to the Ford Motor Company. My daddy had a Ford dealership in our hometown of Clarksdale, Mississippi, and he thought it would be cute if his 7-year old daughter did his radio commercials. The pay wasn't great, just a pack of Wrigley's gum, but I was hooked on radio from then on.