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Looking Back, Looking Forward

Julia McDonald

As 2022 ends, this week’s segment marks a full year that we’ve been bringing you the Greater Giving Moment. Looking with optimism to 2023 and to sharing more with you about strengthening this community through philanthropy.

As 2022 ends, this week’s segment marks a full year that we’ve been bringing you the Greater Giving Moment. Whether this is your first time to tune in or you’re a weekly listener, thank you! Philanthropy is a fascinating, complex, and —most important—deeply impactful way to express your values and make life better for the communities and causes you care about. I’m privileged to get to share perspective from the Community Foundation’s vantage point.

I’ve been talking for a year about this community’s rich tapestry of donors and nonprofits. And much more than I’ve been talking, we’ve been listening. Listening to people’s concerns about what’s keeping our city from being its best, most equitable self. Listening to nonprofit leaders who are leaning in on collaboration and innovation to devise sustainable solutions. Not for nothing is Memphis ranked as the nation’s most generous city: we care, and we roll up our sleeves to help. I’m looking with optimism to 2023 and to sharing more with you about strengthening this community through philanthropy.

- Julia McDonald, Vice President of Marketing & Communications