Back To School: Virtual Learning Support Co-Ops

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With some schools moving to virtual learning many families are looking to their family, friends, and faith communities for support.  How can you develop a safe virtual learning co-op? 

Start by creating a culture of caution with your group. Make sure everyone understands that if the child, parent, or anyone in the household is showing signs of illness the child cannot come to co-op. Keep a daily log of attendance in case there is a need to do contact tracing.  Drop off and pick up should be from the car when possible to reduce exposure.   

Here are a few other tips.  


Parents need to check temperatures before coming to your location. On-site temperature screenings should happen upon arrival and then again around lunch. Anyone developing signs of illness needs to go home.  


When the children arrive at the site, they need to wash hands with soap and water upon entry, and frequently throughout the day. Surfaces also need to be sanitized regularly and on a schedule of at least 3x per day.   

Social Distancing:   

Make sure to observe social distancing. Stay at least 6 feet apart. Pool noodles and hula hoops are great tools for teaching personal space.    

Make the time away from the screens filled with fun while also staying safe. And remember to look to your local health department and the Centers for Disease Control for the latest guidance regarding COVID-19.  

Stay safe. Stay healthy.  

This is Kimberly Baker for Church Health


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