All MLGW Customers Under Boil Water Advisory Until Further Notice


Fluctuating low water levels across the Memphis Light Gas and Water distribution system has prompted officials to issue a precautionary boil water notice to all customers.

Until further notice, residents should immediately begin boiling drinking water for one minute and allowing it to cool before consuming it. Those who suspect that they have lead lines should run the faucet for 15-20 seconds before collecting it to boil or use a filter.

Boiled water is recommended for brushing teeth, making ice, washing dishes and food preparation.

It is not necessary to boil water used for bathing or hand washing.

This is an expansion from Thursday’s boil water notice that affected MLGW customers in parts of northwestern and southeastern Shelby County. Those serviced by separate water systems in Collierville, Germantown, Millington and Bartlett are not included in the current advisory.

During a press conference Friday afternoon, the head of MLGW, Doug McGowen, said ongoing issues with water main breaks and burst pipes caused by this week’s subfreezing temperatures have led to significant losses in water pressure.

“We are still finding leaks. There are still new leaks emerging,” McGowen said. “We are putting into the system more than twice as much water as we normally put out on a day like today. We are pushing as much water as possible into the system to keep as much pressure available and to keep water flowing to as many people as we possibly can.”

McGowen said some people are currently without water because pressure is too low in their areas, or they are connected to a frozen pipe.

Shelby County and the City of Memphis handed out bottled water on Friday and will do it again on Saturday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the following locations:

- Shelby County Fire Station 62
4647 Forest Hill Irene Memphis, TN 38125

- Shelby County Fire Station 66
5469 Raleigh Millington Road Millington, TN 38053

Although MLGW has been asking customers to cut back on unnecessary water use, McGowen said residents should continue to drip their faucets to prevent pipes from freezing while temperatures remain below 32 degrees.

“I don’t need anymore leaks out there so dripping your water is a necessary evil,” he said.

In order to lift the boil water advisory, adequate pressure levels need to be restored, McGowen said, and laboratory testing will need to confirm that contaminants have not seeped into the system.

This post has been updated to add information about Saturday's water distribution event.

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