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A Fond Farewell For The Voice That Welcomed Viewers To Theaters


From NPR News, I'm Melissa Block.


And I'm Robert Siegel with a look back at a man whose job it was to tell us what to look forward to.


SIEGEL: Hal Douglas was the voice of that movie trailer and of many, many others. He died a week ago, at age 89. He was known in the business as a VO, or voice-over artist.


: I never thought of it as a great voice. Very throaty - I mean, when I get it down in here, you know, it's difficult to hear me. Very - it gets into a sexy voice, down here. You want clarity - in here. You can start biting it, too; get mean with it, very mean.

SIEGEL: That's Hal Douglas talking about his work, in a short documentary. The film was made by Casimir Nozkowski. He tells me that Douglas was not one to brag about his vocal skills.

CASIMIR NOZKOWSKI: I think there are people who have talents like that who are nowhere near as humble as he is. He just was an incredibly humble person who never took his talent for speaking for granted.

SIEGEL: Yes, he described himself sort of like a shoemaker, with his voice. He had a craft, and he felt he made good shoes with it.

NOZKOWSKI: Yes, that's exactly right. He had technique. He talked a lot about meditation and being very aware of your core, of your center.

SIEGEL: Considering how unmistakable that voice is, did you actually find much range in what he did in the different movie trailers and other things that he recorded?

NOZKOWSKI: I think he did actually have a great range. He could do something as serious as "Con Air."


NOZKOWSKI: He was the voice for "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs."


NOZKOWSKI: ..."Waterworld."


NOZKOWSKI: He was someone who could shift to kind of a heavy, dark drama; or he could give you comedy.


SIEGEL: I read in the obituary for Hal Douglas in The New York Times that he went into the Navy during the Second World War, came out and studied acting on the GI Bill. And I guess - I mean, he didn't set out saying, I'd like to be the voice of movie trailers. He was an actor of some sort.

NOZKOWSKI: That's right. He was - I mean, his history, you - I think you could have made - you can make a feature about him because the fact that he was a pilot, I found so interesting. The fact that he then came to New York, and he was a producer and an actor. And so he was actually - he was a copywriter, kind of in the "Mad Men" era.

He was doing a lot of commercials. And he actually did - there's a thing in the industry called scratch tracks where basically, you use your voice, you kind of make a temp version of your voice for a commercial. And he got discovered because people were like wait, your scratch is better than pretty much anyone we're using on a professional level. (Laughing) And I don't think he intended to, or planned on this happening. But it just, you know, was one of those things where he was really discovered serendipitously.

SIEGEL: When you met him in person, did he sound like the guy from the trailers, or was that the studio performance?

NOZKOWSKI: You know, I think he did sound like it. So much of it was just naturally what he was born with. But when he would speak professionally, I think he would add this kind of - there's an energy that he would give his voice.

SIEGEL: Well, Mr. Nozkowski, thank you very much for talking with us.

NOZKOWSKI: Thank you very much.

SIEGEL: That's filmmaker Casimir Nozkowski, who made a short film about voice-over artist Hal Douglas. Douglas died last week at age 89. And we can't help but end our remembrance with one of Douglas' more recent starring roles. He appeared on screen, in a trailer, of course. It was for a Jerry Seinfeld movie called "Comedian." And Hal Douglas played a voice-over talent named Jack.

(SOUNDBITE OF MOVIE, "COMEDIAN") Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.