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WKNO Corporate Support

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Here is your opportunity to support WKNO - your local public media station, and a valuable non-profit resource for the entire Mid-South - and simultaneously place your organization's platform in front of a highly-desirable audience.

Radio builds brand awareness. Public radio builds brand loyalty. Public radio stations — like WKNO — attract listeners so loyal that in the top 10 markets alone, 750,000 contribute financially to their station, despite the fact the content is free to access.

And that connection extends to public radio sponsors.

WKNO-FM offers NPR NEWS every hour, and provides the Mid-South with America's #1 news/talk radio program MORNING EDITION and with America's #1 evening drive time program ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.

Our audience is more likely to trust NPR more than other networks, and thereby believes our sponsors are more trustworthy.

WKNO Audience & Programs

Connect With Us | corporatesupport@wkno.org

Sally Stover | Corporate Support Manager
901-729-8731 | sstover@wkno.org

Nick Newsom | Coordinator
901-729-8732 | nnewsom@wkno.org