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Rhodes College MasterSingers Chorale Fall Concert

The Rhodes College Mastersingers Chorale will be joined by the Memphis Symphony Orchestra and soloists for a performance of Felix Mendelssohn's masterpiece oratorio Elijah on Sunday November 12th at 3:00 p.m. at MacNeill Concert Hall on the Rhodes West Campus.

Darel Snodgrass talks with Rhodes Director of Choral Studies and conductor Dr. William Skoog about this opportunity to hear this very large and rarely-performed work.

Rhodes College MasterSingers Chorale Fall Concert-Rhodes College (emscloudservice.com)

I began piano lessons at age 6, trumpet at age 9, and began teaching myself the guitar at 10. My electronics knowledge comes from my father, who had the RCA television and stereo shop in my hometown of Pocahontas, Arkansas for nearly 20 years. My dad is still fixing televisions at age 79.