Great communicators speak in the simplest terms possible. Understanding is a product of clarity, and clarity comes from simplicity and the elimination of…
Does it really take a study for us to know that TV commercials sometimes annoy consumers, or that commercials are sometimes ignored? Apparently, yes. Well…
Many people get so fired up about educating the world about their new product that they overlook those who don’t need to be educated and will buy it right…
Would you like a straw with your beverage? Is it for flavor or because it seems more sanitary, or because you're just used to it?Soda straws have been…
If you’re trying to describe your company, write it the way an outsider would say it after he understood what it is you told him about the business. Don’t…
What comes first: the cart or the horse? Internet companies rely on television advertising to get web users to visit their sites. If you want a real…
One great problem with laws and rules and regulations is that in almost all cases, obedience requires oversight. We’re beset with Medicare and Medicaid…
There’s always been a thin line between the definition of a shrewd business policy and an unethical policy.It’s shrewd business from his perspective if a…
Whenever I hear of a real case of marketing, it inspires me. I want to tell everyone who thinks marketing is just a synonym for advertising and…
You wonder why every car dealer TV ad is followed by an ambulance-chasing lawyer ad … is followed by a car dealer ad … is followed by an ambulance-chasing…