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988: A Lifeline to Mental Health Help

The 988 Suicide and Crisis lifeline connects callers to a national network of trained counselors including our own local Memphis Crisis Center All anyone must do is text or call those three digits: 988.

There's a new way for people to get immediate help when they have a mental or emotional crisis. The 988 Suicide and Crisis lifeline connects callers to a national network of trained counselors including our own local Memphis Crisis Center. All anyone must do is text or call those three digits: 988.

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, and global stats bear out just how dire our mental health crisis has become. COVID-19 triggered a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression. Even two years after the pandemic’s arrival, Memphis Crisis Center still sees an enormous uptick in crisis calls, fielding 80% more in March 2022 than they had in March 2020.

The COVID crisis exacerbated underlying mental health issues people already had and created new challenges for those who previously hadn’t faced mental health concerns. For people feeling acute stress or desperation, 988 is now an easy-to-remember lifeline to the skilled, compassionate team at Memphis Crisis Center who can help.