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Philanthropic New Year’s Resolutions


Welcome to 2023! We checked in with Jay Healy of Beacon Pointe Advisors on philanthropic New Year’s resolutions. If charitable giving is your intent, consider setting your goals in advance and working throughout the year to achieve them.

Welcome to 2023! We checked in with Jay Healy of Beacon Pointe Advisors on philanthropic New Year’s resolutions.

If charitable giving is your intent, consider setting your goals in advance and working throughout the year to achieve them.

You’ve got 12 months to plan and get the best bang for your buck, both from a tax perspective, and your impact on people, organizations, and the community.

For tax efficiency, consult with a tax expert, financial advisor, and organizations like the Community Foundation to explore the options for charitable donations. There are a lot of strategies and vehicles to consider, and this will give you time to find one that is best for you.

To maximize your impact, take some time to assess your personal mission, vision, and values and how they relate to your charitable giving. Consider the problems you are hoping to fix and the organizations you want to support. LIVEGIVEmidsouth.org can be a great resource as you dive deeper into the process.

Important Disclosure: This material is intended for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. It does not consider the specific investment objectives, tax and financial condition or needs of any specific person. Beacon Pointe provides links for your convenience to other providers’ websites. Beacon Pointe is not responsible for errors or omissions in the material on third-party websites and does not necessarily approve or endorse the information provided.