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Design Your Legacy Exactly How You Want It

October 16 kicks off National Estate Planning Awareness Week. Creating a legacy plan plays a critical role not only in establishing your wishes for your family, but also in funding the important work of philanthropy.

October 16 kicks off National Estate Planning Awareness Week. Creating a legacy plan plays a critical role not only in establishing your wishes for your family, but also in funding the important work of philanthropy.

Did you know that two out of three Americans don’t have a will? We encourage you to seek out the advice of an estate planning professional today. The more people who plan, and plan early, the more life-changing and community-building work can be done. Whether you’re just starting your estate planning venture or are considering changing your current plan, there are resources available to help you design your legacy exactly how you want it.

There are 5 recognized Ps or benefits of being prepared with an estate plan. Peace, provision, perspective, protection, and philanthropy. A plan will give you peace of mind, provide for your loved ones, offer perspective, or clarity on what you own, protect you in your senior years, and leave behind a legacy of giving, or philanthropy.